Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Hello, from Port-Au-Prince, Haiti!! :)

These past 3 days have been absolutely amazing!! I can not express into words the joy of my heart to FINALLY be back!! God has moved in amazing ways just to get me here and now that I am here I know that he will continue to move and work in every little thing that we do here to glorify him!!

Monday, the 18th, is when I arrived, and oh what a crazy day that was!! We had delays at the airport costing us some valuable time and some rushing to get to our connecting flight in Miami in time, but it all worked and we landed in Haiti with no issues!! BUT! Apparently so did EVERYONE else! The airport was NUTS! So many people with a power outage at the airport, meant absolute chaos!! However, we made it through and finally got all our luggage and headed to meet our group! Seeing all of the amazing people I met here in March was SO overwhelming. My heart and mind could not comprehend that I was actually back! We spent the rest of the day getting settled in and going over logistical stuff about what would be going on during our time here.

Tuesday was a very, very eventful day. We woke up early and began to run errands for Chadasha the organization that I am working with while I am here. It was unreal seeing all the sites of Haiti as we drove from one spot to the other. It continually breaks my heart seeing all of the heartbreaking situations, but makes me appreciate my time here even more and pushes me when days get long and physical and spiritual fatigue sets in. God has reminded me these past few days that no matter what this physical life brings for the people of Haiti, the only thing that will truly matter and make the lasting difference in their life is if they are shown the love, mercy, and grace of Jesus Christ. HE alone is the only way to truly change Haiti. To bring hope to these people, and show them love just as Jesus did is my heart's deepest desire. It is hard... Harder than I ever imagined. I have never, ever felt such compassion for a people that I barely know! It's an amazing thing that I  am so grateful for every single day.

Once we finished our errands we went to both the Children's Home and Guerline's Orphanage, both of which you will hear a lot about and I hope once I return I can share with you the story of how both of these places came into being. The Children's home is a holding place for orphans who are being adopted. These children are so loving and reach for you as soon as you get out of the vehicle. They are some of the most precious children I have ever met and it just fills my heart with joy that they are soon going to have loving parents who can love on them and show them how much God does love each and every one of them. I immediately fell in love with a young baby named Naomi. She came to the home very malnourished and in need of some serious love and tender care. The minute I got to hold her, she stole my heart. Her sweet smile and beautiful eyes just pierced straight through me to my core. I had to walk away for a few minutes to contain myself. It was then that God reminded me that this is why I am here. To show love and compassion to HIS creation, HIS people, HIS country, HIS nation, HIS world. I alone can not make a difference in the country of Haiti, but I alone with God's mercy and grace can make a difference one child at a time. My heart was overwhelmed and I new that going to Guerline's orphanage was only going to pull on those heart strings even more!!

Guerline's orphanage was a tent orphanage in City Soleil one of the worst areas of Haiti. These children have been through some unbelievable things and have witnessed so much destruction in their short lifetimes. As soon as I walked through the gate, over 70 children were standing there for me to love on!! It was SO amazing. I had young children tugging at my shirt and others raising their arms for me to hold them. I had so many that I had to periodically put one down and grab another!! It was a beautiful thing! God's love was in each of those little faces staring back at me that day, and even though we couldn't have much conversation because of the language barrier, facial expressions said it all.

In God's word, he calls us to be go and teach the gospel to the ends of the earth and make disciples of ALL nations. Before my experience with Haiti I could not fathom any of that, but now, I not only understand, but feel very compelled to do just that... Go... Wherever he calls me. Whether that his here in Haiti, or somewhere else, my heart's deepest desire is to show others the love and mercy that God has shown me in my life. I never want to fail to be a light for his glory!!

Prayers people. Prayers are needed in the worst way. Haiti is a nation FULL of needs, but only one person can supply those needs and meet them all, and that is Jesus!! Pray for all of us here that every step we take, every word we speak, and every move we make will be a light to the people of Haiti to bring them one step closer to accepting Jesus into their life. In the end, that is the only thing that will change this place!!

Love and Prayers,

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