Monday, July 30, 2012

Following God... Without Excuses

I know it's been too long since I have written an update... so here goes nothing....

Lately, my life has consisted of non-stop studying for a huge test, helping my hometown church with their VBS, and then going on a longgggg but fun trip to a local amusement park-Lake Winnie-to enjoy fun and fellowship with the youth of our church.

But what has been on my heart and mind 24/7...You guessed it, Haiti. Most of you are now saying, "Well, that's no surprise"  and you're right. It's always on my mind, especially the sweet kids that I love so much and wish I could call my own. I'm so overwhelmed with emotions when I remember that I will be there in just 8 days! 8 DAYS?!?! Is this real life? God has truly blessed and provided in soooo many ways it's crazy to think about!

Remembering last year and the moments in my life that have lead to this amazing journey I am about to embark on is incredible. I remember last fall when I got some startling news that completely surprised me and those closest to me... and the drastic change of plans that lead to an open year for me to figure out what to do with. Immediately my heart thought of Haiti... It thought of a precious little boy named Jonas, who I will probably never see again, but taught me so much about unconditional love and unwavering optimism  last summer.
Jonas and I :) 

 I thought of Naomi and Ruth, two precious twin girls, who I bonded and shared many precious moments with during late night/early morning feedings while singing soft lullaby's that lead to restful sleep-eventually :).
Namoi and I

I thought of the many children at Chadasha's Children's Home-where I literally left my heart and literally tear up/cry everytime I remember the precious kids there that would wave and blow kisses every time we would leave.
All my kiddos :) 

 Down deep in my heart I knew that what I considered failure and disappointment, God was going to use to change my life and further his kingdom.

So now, here I sit... 8 days away from home! To say I am excited is such an understatement, as words cannot do my current emotions justice! :)

A little side note of interest... I receive information from Samaritan's Purse-the organization that does Operation Christmas Child because of the recent boxes my brother and I made to send to some needy kiddos this Christmas. I always enjoy reading about various projects this organization has going on all throughout the world and seeing specific prayer requests for various nations all across the globe. A couple weeks ago-in prime cramming time for that huge test I keep referring to-I was at a low point of confidence and began to question, "Lord, what in the world am I doing? This really isn't going to work out... So why am I even trying this hard? What does it matter? My heart's in Haiti... How can I be a doctor and be in Haiti at the same time?!?!"

Well... I received a prayer bulletin from Samaritan's Purse that same day in the mail and read a very interesting article that talked about a World Medical Mission Post-Residency Program for Physicians that have recently graduated Medical School and completed their residency programs. This program sends physicians and their families to a mission hospital somewhere around the globe that is in need of a physician in their specific specialty. They serve in this hospital for two years while receiving a stipend for living and also help in repaying their student loans. I was amazed and immediately looked up the program for more information and ran across a story titled, "Following God without Excuses." This story told of a young physician who was sent to Papua New Guinea for the two years of her post-residency by Samaritans purse-but has since decided that God's call on her life was longer than that and is now a full-time medical missionary at the hospital there. I want to leave you guys with an excerpt from this story-something that weighed heavily on my heart-knowing that there are people out there with the same desires that I have...

“I believe that medicine and evangelism go hand in hand,” Erin said. “As a physician, not only do I care about patients’ physical health, but I also take care of their spiritual health, too. It’s part of the whole person.”
Whenever Erin treats a patient for a physical need, she also makes sure she gives them a spiritual check up as well.
“If I don’t talk with a patient about Jesus or pray with a patient it can be considered medical malpractice because I’m withholding something that could really help a patient,” Erin said with conviction. “I’m not going to be able to treat and cure everyone’s physical ailments, but spiritually, if they believe in Christ, we know where they’re going.” 
 As she contemplates the future, Erin is encouraged by a recent study she did on the life of Moses. “I was really challenged by Exodus 3 where Moses initially responds, ‘Here I am,’ but then comes up with many reasons why God should find someone else,” Erin said. “I pray that as I continue to pray and seek Him for my future, that I will be obedient to Him and not find excuses.”

That last paragraph challenged me... How many times do we offer up excuses for why we can't do something that God has obviously laid on our heart? I can't tell you how many times a day I hear, "Why are you going to Haiti? Don't you think people here in America need your help? Shouldn't you just stay?" While it is true that there are people in our own nation in dire need of a helping hand, the only thing I can say is I am going where the good Lord is leading... I prayed, "Here I am lord.. Send me.. No matter where it is.. I'll go".... Now he's laid Haiti on my heart, and I'm going... No excuses. Is it going to be easy? Not at all... Is it going to be worth it? I have no doubt in my mind that it will be. Join me, and let's see Jesus made famous all across this big world!! Praying for you all today!

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