Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Living and Loving in Haiti... :)

 Wow... Where do I even begin? Beforehand, I apologize if this blog is long or seems to be all over the place as you read it.. Life in Haiti has been crazy. I get here and our internet doesn't work.. then my computer decides to be silly and not want to connect to the internet... But now, finally, both computer and internet are now harmoniously working together! :) So, I am sorry for the few and far between updates, and I hope to now have a more regular updates for you guys.

As for what you all are wanting to know... How is life in Haiti? Let's try and explain the emotions of my first week... Have you ever been fortunate enough to know the feeling of complete contentment?  That wonderful feeling where you get that blessed assurance from God that you are right where he wants you to be? If so, you know exactly how I am feeling...

It's been amazing to see already in such a short time how God is working and moving in this beautiful country... I am in awe as we drive around and see all the rebuilding taking place, and the areas that were once full of tents and  now are completely free of them. It's humbling to see the progress being made in this place not only in the physical sense but also spiritually.

Monday, we went to a tent city in Karadue, where Chadasha teaches English and Bible classes to the community. There are ladies's, men's, and children's classes, all of which take place in a old bus... If you had told me two years ago that I was going to move to Haiti, and grow closer to the Lord with a group of women inside a bus, I would have told you that you were crazy!! It's amazing where God will take us when we are willing to answer his call...  It was so exciting to watch the class I will be teaching (the ladies) learn not only a new language, but also be so hungry to learn more and form a more intimate relationship with God. I cannot wait to see what God teaches me through working with these amazing women!

The ladies :) 

We have also been loving on a few Haitian children who are currently in the Dominican Republic for heart surgeries. Their names and faces are shown here:

Djoudly, age 6

This little cutie pie is Christman, age 2

This adorable child is Richama, age 4.
We found out today that she will not require surgery and will be returning home with her mother on Thursday! Praise!!
This beautiful girl is Ciara, age 5.
This is Todd a 6 month old, our youngest, who has a heart problem and Down's Syndrome. SO precious! 
All of these kiddos stole my heart when I met them. They were all pretty shy and apprehensive to play with us, but as the days went on they warmed up to us. Please, please join us in lifting them up in prayer, not just for the children, but their families, the staff that is there working with them, and the doctors. My heart desires nothing more than to be there to witness each of these children receive a precious miracle from God.. but there was just not enough room for me to accompany. Therefore, I am still in Port-au-prince, loving his people and praying fervently everyday for all these sweet children and their families that the love of Christ would embrace them every moment while they are gone, even when I can't! Join me! :) 

UPDATE: Christman is scheduled for surgery on Friday! Please be remembering him and his sweet mother in your prayers. I can only imagine the emotions running through her heart and mind as she watches her baby go through this surgery, but we know God's there and he is able to give her peace and strength that surpasses all things. 

Outside of heart patients, we have been loving on the sweet children that are in Chadasha's Children's Home. These kids have such a big place in my heart and I love them all dearly. God has truly blessed me and allowed me to watch them all grow up and begin WALKING! It's crazy to think how far these children have come in such a short time... from malnourished and near death... to healthy, walking, talking children! There is plenty to praise the Lord for! 

Sweet Soloman and I :) 

I want to leave you all with a beautiful story I was told at church on Sunday by our pastor. He told his story of where he was when the earthquake took place... He explained how his wife had called him to come get their children out of school early, and how just 4 minutes after he got his children the earthquake happened. The school that they attended was destroyed and all those who were inside were gone. He said they were in the street praying and people were trying to use their cell phones, but there was no service. He said he told them that there was one phone line that was always in service, and that was the line to Jesus Christ. He said some people came to know the love of Christ that day and accept him into their heart... All because in the midst of immense tragedy, one man was ready and willing to share that the one person in which we have hope is Jesus. How beautiful and encouraging is that?! How many times do we take whatever we are going through in this life and say, "Lord you have more important things to worry about, I'll just deal with this on my own," or have a moment of weakness and get consumed with our problems and forget that we have an almighty Savior who is waiting on us to hand it all over to him. How encouraging to know that no matter what we have done in this life, or where we are in our walk with the Lord that he is always there, ready and waiting for us to call on his precious name. I encourage you to join me in remembering that we don't have to go through this life alone... That our heavenly Father is always there. All we have to do is pick up the phone, and he will always be there to listen... Be encouraged!! :) 

I love you all, and appreciate all your prayers. You will never know how much you all mean to me. :) I'm praying for you!! 

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