Monday, July 11, 2011

Home is where the Heart is!!

Hello everyone!

I am finally giving in to this blogging thing, but hopefully it will be an enjoyable read. So, to begin, I would like to share a little bit about me and my story.

I am a 20 year old college student studying Biochemistry/Cellular and Molecular Biology in hopes of attending medical school to become a pediatric surgeon. I have wanted to become a doctor for as long as I can remember. Now, that I am actually in the process of applying, it has been one of the most stressful and absolutely terrifying moments of my life. I have truly had to turn EVERYTHING over to God and place all my faith and trust in him, but I am trusting in HIS plan not my own.

I strive to be a follower of Jesus Christ. My walk with him is by no means perfect or anywhere near so, but my heart strives to be one with his. I have gone to church since I was a baby, but it was not until I left home and went off to college that I evaluated my life and began to understand what being a Christian was really all about. I have been blessed with amazing friends and family who have pushed me to be the best I can be and held me accountable for all my actions of this life. My heart's deepest desire is to follow him... Loving those he loved, Serving others just as he did, and living a life that is willing to go or do anything that he calls me to do. It's not easy, but with him nothing is impossible. :)

My life was forever changed the week of March 12, 2011, but before I explain those details let's see how I got to that week in the first place. The church I attend in Knoxville was holding a Missions Banquet, where many groups came to talk about their mission work all around the world and also locally in Knoxville. It was there that Dr.Clint Dorian presented information about his foundation, Chadasha, and his many trips to Haiti and the Dominican Republic. The stories he told and pictures he showed just broke my heart. I remember just crying my eyes out listening to him speak of the sick children he saw and the devastation of the country after the earthquake. It was then that I knew I had to do something. I went over and talked to him that night and he told me that Calvary had planned a Spring Break Mission Trip to Haiti and I should see if there was room for me to go. I had heard about the trip at church on Sunday, but I never imagined myself going. I left to go back to my apartment and turned on the radio to one of the Contemporary Christian radio stations I listen to and the song, "Follow You" by Leeland came on the radio. It is a beautiful song about caring for the "least of these" and refusing to walk away from those who need our help most. I just broke down and cried all the way home and knew then that I had to see about going on this trip to Haiti. I emailed our college pastor the minute I stepped in my room and waited for a response. He quickly got back with me and said that all the spots were full, but he would place me on the waiting list and let me know if he could find me a spot. I was very discouraged.. I begin to question if God really wanted me to do this and eventually just realized that questioning him was doing no good at all. I then left it all in his hands and prayed that if it be his will I would gladly go. It wasn't too terribly long after that that I received a message that I had a spot!! I can't even explain how excited I was!! However, God's plan was just now beginning!!

On the trip we set up mobile clinics in tent cities, orphanages, and schools all across Haiti. We saw the poorest of the poor in the largest tent city in Haiti, called Canaan. It was an experience that I can not even explain in words. Driving around Port-Au-Prince and seeing collapsed buildings, rubble in the street, and homeless people living in tents and begging for food broke my heart. It was such a humbling experience and one that I am eternally grateful for. I was more certain than ever that becoming a doctor was exactly what I wanted to do with my life after this trip. Seeing the impact that our group was able to have on the lives of the patients we saw, whether that was a 75 year old woman or a 6 month old baby, made me realize why I wanted to be a doctor.... to HELP people. More specifically, to help those who can not help themselves, and that is when I knew that international missions had just become a major part of my life.

After returning to Knoxville, I quickly realized how much I disliked it here. As Americans, we are sooooo consumed with the latest gadget, the newest car, and the best paying job we can get. In Haiti, these people are wondering if they will stay dry at night in their tent, or where they are going to find their next meal.... They appreciate everything they have, and I missed Haiti more and more every single day I was away. I quickly realized I had to do something to get back, and God quickly presented another opportunity.

The missionaries in Haiti that we stayed with were taking interns for the summer to help out and  learn exactly what is involved in being a part of international mission work. I knew that going back to Haiti was something I didn't simply want to do, but felt strongly, strongly compelled to do. However, this summer was a very important one in terms of dreams of going to medical school. I had applications to complete and a huge MCAT (medical college admissions test) to prepare for and take all within such a short period of time. But once again, God came in and worked out every last detail for me to go back to Haiti for 3 weeks!!! :)

So, here I am... One week exactly before I will be back in Haiti. This Saturday I will take my MCAT exam and have finished my application for medical school. This will complete everything I can complete right now, before I leave on Monday. God has provided ample support and donations for this trip and I am continually amazed by his grace, mercy, and unfailing love. The support has been UNBELIEVABLE, and I could never express how grateful I am!! My summer has been absolutely crazy so far making everything fit and work out perfectly so I could go back, but God has made it all work and has given me the desires of my heart. I am finally going back "Home!" :)

I hope to use this blog to keep everyone updated on what is going on while I am in Haiti and as I come back and continue on the journey of life and the many twists and turns that God has in store!! Pray for me as I pray for you, and always remember that nothing is impossible with God!!

Love and Prayers,

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